I'm dying inside


Medium: Newspapers and Acrylic paint.

Size:24 by 24 inches. 

This piece is inspired by the saying " my life flashed before my eyes". In the painting, the woman is relivingher memories and revisiting a time where her life was filled with agony and despair. A moment where she was unsuccessful in ending that suffering, leaving her feelingworthless and overcome with depression.Her face cannot be seen as she is so overwhelmed by the memories that are clouding her mind and are at theforefront of her brain, leaving her as nothing but a shell of the woman she once was.The black streaking down signifies the woman's tears that have escaped due to the memories. I chose for the tears to be black as the color is one that is synonymous with loss and death and pain. The painting is split intotwo halves illustrating her life. One half is her present where she is stuck in the recollections of her past andthe other half is her future.

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